After a long absence from the premium cigar scene, CAO Vision returns for 2020. The cigar first debuted in 2007, quickly making a name for itself due to an ultra-premium smoking experience and an elaborate presentation to match. That may be an understatement... we're talking a cigar with a humidor-grade box, complete with LED lights to highlight the toothiness of the cigars gently resting in authentic Spanish cedar trays under a piano-finished box.
CAO Vision 2020 is rolled in a singular 7” x 50 Churchill format at the STG Estelí factory in Nicaragua. The cigars make use of an exotic, delicate African Cameroon wrapper. This has been secured over a an Ecuadoran Sumatra binder and Nicaraguan Habano fillers sourced from the Estelí and Jalapa regions. This limited-edition smoking experience clocks in at medium in intensity, showing fine-tuned complexities of red pepper, fiery earth, nutmeg, and an impressive brown sugar sweetness.