While CAO Cigars is often looked upon as one of the major pioneers in the realm of chic, contemporary brands for the modern cigar enthusiast, most hobbyists will be surprised to learn the brand dates back—way back—to1968! One look at the brand’s clean logo or heavily-lacquered packaging might have someone believing the brand produces futuristic electronics—instead of the time-honored art of cigar craftsmanship, steeped in time-honored traditions and physical skill.
The brand was built by Cano A. Ozgener (C.A.O.), a Turkish-American engineer, whose business focused primarily on pipes and humidors until the brand finally caught attention as a cigar manufacturer during the great cigar boom of the mid-90s. Not only did CAO transform from pipe-makers to cigar artisans, but the brand also went through a variety of manufacturing changes — moving operations from Honduras, to Costa Rica, and then to Nicaragua. CAO cigars have also worked with notable names such as the Plasencia, Perdomo, Toraño, and more, to develop and hone their flavor profiles and offerings! Eventually, the family-owned CAO was purchased by cigar juggernaut Scandinavian Tobacco Group—putting the Nashville-based brand on the worldwide stage.
Now, armed with a huge variety of ultra-premium and aged tobaccos from parent company STG, CAO now continues to develop innovative smoking experiences, supported with unparalleled marketing and PR. The CAO lineup can be boiled down to four categories: Classic, Flavours, New Age, and World cigars. This framework allows the brand to cover the complete flavor profile gamut—offering traditional smoking experiences through the Classic line (Pilón, La Traviata, CAO Gold), imaginative and flavored experiences with the Flavours line (Cherrybomb, Moontrance, Solfyre), ultra-modern and unorthodox experiences with the New Age line (Flathead, Concert, MX2), and exotic sensations from the World series (Amazon Basin, Brazilia, Colombia). We love CAO cigars, and we know you will too!