CAO Colombia follows in the footsteps of popular releases such as CAO Brazilia, CAO Italia, and CAO America, offering cigar enthusiasts the chance to experience exotic tobaccos from across the world. These cigars are together known as CAO’s World series, which are described as such, “These unique blends are born from equally unique regions, bringing their flavors, aromas and local cultures with them.”
As the cigar’s title alludes, CAO Colombia is highlighted by the use of Colombian tobacco in the cigar’s filler. This tobaccos is known as Ica Mazinga, a Cuban-seed varietal that was first introduced to Colombia in 1820—now grown in Colombia’s unique, isolated, mountainous regions. Ica Mazinga is paired with other exotic leaves, such as Brazilian tobacco in the filler, African Cameroon for the binder, and a more familiar wrapper of Jamastran, Honduras.
The unique Ica Mazinga tobacco introduces nutty nuances, salted butter, and fresh earth and mineral qualities. Overall, CAO Colombia is among the most tame in the World series, showcasing a mild/medium body, smooth and effortless draw, and flavors of green tea, honey, barnyard hay, white pepper, and lemon grass. Experience a unique flavor profile from the first cigar to prominently feature Colombian tobaccos.