In 2013, Camacho Cigars shocked the cigar world with one of the most bold branding overhauls of the modern era. This included an edgy, streamlined appearance, a consolidation of the Camacho portfolio, and re-blending of many of the cigars that remained. One of the only cigars that was left unchanged was the fan-favorite Camacho Triple Maduro cigar, a hearty smoke that continues to fuel the fire for maduro maniacs to this day.
This cigar says it all in the title, using maduro tobacco leaves throughout the wrapper, binder, and filler! This begins with a dark and toothy Mexican San Andrés maduro wrapper. This punchy leaf is secured over Camacho's own Original Corojo maduro leaf from Honduras, along with fillers of Honduran Original Corojo, Brazil, and the DR... all being maduro-shade leaves.
What does the Camacho Triple Maduro cigar taste like?
Is it any surprise that this maduro-heavy monster is one of the most flavorful premium cigars on the market? Of course not! The Camacho Triple Maduro cigar has occupied the top shelves of die-hard cigar enthusiasts for over a decade, bringing intense body and flavor to match, including rich components of pepper, dark chocolate, toasted oak, molasses, and chocolate malt.