While Camacho cigars have been a favorite among enthusiasts for the past five decades, the brand underwent a complete overhaul in 2013—debuting a modernized look and feel and streamlining the brand’s core lineup for a clearcut range of smoking profiles.
With Camacho’s new strategy of “The Bold Standard,” nearly every blend was either scrapped or re-blended for a more amped-up and in-your-face smoking experience—all but two, that is… Camacho Connecticut is one such cigar. Nestled within a bold lineup of powerhouse smoking experiences, Camacho Connecticut provides balance to the collection. Don’t get us wrong, this ain’t your granddaddy’s Connecticut—no, Camacho Connecticut may offer a silky-smooth texture on the palate, but the flavors are unmistakably loud!
In fact, #liveLoud is the cigar’s motto, offering enthusiasts a flavorful smoking experience to pair with life’s most adventurous moments. The smoking experience is medium-bodied, showcasing flavors of hay, green tea, light spice, honey, toasted bread, and a nice, buttery sweetness on the finish.