Known for being among the most bold cigars on the market, Camacho doubles down with the addition of the Camacho Broadleaf cigar to the brand's core lineup.
As inferred from the cigar's title, the Camacho Broadleaf cigar centers around a gritty Broadleaf-style blend. However, the cigar sets itself apart from conventional Broadleaf blends through the use of a Honduran-grown Broadleaf wrapper (where traditional Broadleaf cigars have used wrappers grown in the Connecticut River Valley of the US). With Camacho famously being based in Danlí, Honduras, the transplanted wrapper takes on added significance. This punchy maduro wrapper surrounds a Honduran binder and fillers from the Dominican Republic and Honduras.
What does the Camacho Broadleaf cigar taste like?
The Camacho Broadleaf cigar is bold and fiery yet somehow balanced and restrained. The smoking experience begins with punchy earth and black pepper, pulling back on the reins to reveal semi-sweet chocolate, molasses bread, and brown sugar through the finish.