Cain Cigars was launched in 2009 through a project led by Sam Leccia, who is among the more creative minds in the craft cigar industry. The project helped push the boundaries of “acceptable” strength levels—giving the flavor-crazed enthusiast exactly what they wanted - a super bold, super-full-bodied cigar. Cain cigars are among the most full-bodied cigars available today.
Cain features an all-Nicaraguan filler blend consisting of Ligero leaves from the Esteli region (25%), Condega (27%), and the Jalapa valley area (30%). We have a full list of cigars in inventory in the Cain Cigars Series: Cain Daytona by Oliva, Cain Maduro by Oliva, Cain F by Oliva, Cain Nub by Oliva, and Cain Habano by Oliva. If you are someone who loves bold and full-bodied flavors, the Cain Cigar Series is the one you are looking for! Check out our list of Cain Cigars available now and pick your favorite!