Translating to mean proud, lively, or zestful, don't be surprised when the Brioso cigar delivers an experience with such lively characteristics.
Brioso cigars come by way of the well-established General Cigar Dominicana factory, makers of acclaimed brands such as Cohiba, Partagas, and La Gloria Cubana. But where many of these premium names often come with equally premium price points, Brioso cigars aim to offer a rewarding smoking experience for the everyman!
Making use of General Cigar's vast tobacco inventory, Brioso cigars showcase diverse, multinational tobacco recipes. This begins with Dominican seco and ligero leaves, joined by Nicaraguan and Mexican tobaccos throughout the filler. This recipe is bound in Connecticut Habano and finalized with Honduran wrappers of two varieties: natural or maduro.
Q: What do Brioso Natural cigars taste like?
A: The Brioso Natural cigar boasts a shade-grown natural Honduran wrapper, contributing to a medium body and classic flavors of earth, cedar, and buttered toast.
Q: What do Brioso Maduro cigars taste like?
A: The Brioso Maduro cigar turns to the dark side, with a Honduran maduro cover leaf helping to bring out medium-bodied flavors of earth, black pepper, and bittersweet cocoa.