The Brick House Maduro cigar debuted onto the premium cigar scene in 2012, following in the footsteps of J.C. Newman's hugely popular Brick House Classic cigar blend to offer enthusiasts a proper maduro counterpart.
As with the original Brick House cigar, the Maduro is hand-crafted at the J.C. Newman PENSA factory in Nicaragua. However, the blend has been tweaked, swapping the Ecuadorian Habano wrapper for a dark and gritty Brazilian Arapiraca maduro leaf cigar wrapper. This heavy-hitting ingredient surrounds all-Nicaraguan binder and /fillers, amounting to a medium-bodied performance with highlight flavor characteristics of charred oak, roasted nuts, black pepper, freshly tilled earth, baker's cocoa, and mountainous pine.
This line of cigars is a dream for anyone who loves a good maduro; complex without being pretentious - this cigar is sure to please!