The Blackened S84 by Drew Estate cigar is an exciting new addition to the Blackened cigar lineup, created as a followup to the world-shattering Blackened M81 collaboration. This release brings together the creative forces behind Metallica, Blackened Whiskey, and Drew Estate, resulting in a cigar that balances tradition and innovation. Wrapped in a smooth Ecuadorian Connecticut leaf, the Blackened S84 cigar offers a milder experience compared to its predecessor, while still delivering a rich and complex flavor profile. The collaboration between Rob Dietrich, James Hetfield, and Jonathan Drew celebrates craftsmanship and artistry, blending passion and precision into each cigar.
At the core of the Blackened S84 (named for the wrapper [Shade] and the year of Metallica's sophomore album release [1984]) is a Connecticut River Valley Broadleaf maduro binder, paired with Nicaraguan and Pennsylvania Broadleaf maduro fillers. This combination creates a harmonious balance between the lighter Connecticut wrapper and the deep, dark richness of the maduro interior tobaccos. The cigar’s unique blend offers an intricate and flavorful smoking experience, with the smoothness of the Connecticut Shade leaf providing a refined contrast to the bold flavors of the binder and filler. It’s a testament to the Drew Estate team’s ability to push the boundaries of traditional cigar-making while respecting the roots of the craft.
What does the Blackened S84 by Drew Estate cigar taste like?
The Blackened S84 cigar delivers a medium-bodied smoke that combines smoothness with complexity. Cigar hobbyists can expect notes of creamy cedar and toasted nuts from the Connecticut wrapper, balanced by deeper flavors of espresso, cocoa, and a subtle sweetness from the maduro tobaccos. The blend ensures an even burn and a consistent flavor throughout the smoking experience, making it an excellent choice for those seeking a milder profile with bold, dynamic flavors. This cigar captures the spirit of innovation while providing a satisfying and memorable smoke for both new and seasoned cigar enthusiasts.