In 2016, AJ Fernandez Cigar Co. introduced what is often considered the company's most flavorful, unique offering to date. The cigar is dubbed Bellas Artes (translating to mean <em>Fine Arts</em>), bringing smokers a highly complex, multinational blend of tobaccos in an attempt to highlight the superior talents of Master Blender A.J. Fernández and his world-renowned factory in Estelí, Nicarague; i.e. a true work of art.
Bellas Artes begins with a hearty core of Fernández's own Nicaraguan tobacco (sourced from the country's Estelí, Condega, and Jalapa growing regions), with Honduran and Brazilian leaves helping to add complexity to the filler recipe. These leaves are then bound in a special Havana ’92 leaf grown in Quilalí, Nicaragua (one of Nicaragua’s oldest growing regions). Finally, the blend's crowning achievement is a groundbreaking three-piece hybrid created by Fernández, which he dubbed "Rojita." The Rojita hybrid is built from 50% US Connecticut seed, 25% Corojo ’99, and 25% Havana 2000, being a completely proprietary offering from AJF Cigar Co.
It's no doubt a statistical masterpiece, at least on paper, but how does the Bellas Artes perform on the main stage? In short—it's as impressive as its recipe suggests! Bellas Artes kicks off with fiery pepper and bright flavors of sourdough bread, honey, buttery saltine crackers, black licorice, and touches of zesty Mexican pepper spice for a countering balance.