2015 proved to be a year of transition and growth for AVO Cigars, one of the most respected names in the realm of Dominican premium cigars. This included a consolidation of the company's core lineup, a cleaner, more modern look, and the introduction of the Syncro series, beginning with a cigar known as AVO Syncro Nicaragua.
Drawing from company founder, Avo Uvezian, and his musical background, the AVO Syncro Nicaragua is themed around synchronization; this is seen through an unexpected balance between AVO's close association with Dominican tobacco and the more fiery characteristics of Nicaragua. The blend begins with one of the darkest Ecuadorian Connecticut leaves you'll come across (a leaf conventionally known for its pale complexion); this is wrapped over a Dominican binder and a diverse filler of Nicaraguan, Dominican, and Peruvian origins.
AVO Syncro Nicaragua ties the full presentation together with a box-pressed shape, aiding the melding of tobaccos within the exotic recipe. The finished experience is classic yet zesty, lighting up the palate with an edgier profile than smokers may expect from AVO; this includes a medium-plus body and highlight flavors of oak, sourdough, zesty cabinet spices, smooth caramel, freshly roasted coffee, and sweet cream through the finish.