The Asylum Schizo Cigar is a medium-strength, premium cigar with a Maduro wrapper, and Nicaraguan fillers and binders. This Gordo-shaped cigar is 6 x 60 and has flavors of earth, leather, cocoa, nuts, and black coffee. It has a smooth draw with a great, long burn that makes you savor every puff, and an aromatic smoke to help make your break more relaxing. This premium cigar has a dark brown wrapper with a white and teal cigar band that features the 'Schizo' and 'Maduro' labels. It comes in a bundle of 20 cigars.
If you're looking for a cigar that is full of tasty flavors yet does not break the bank, then the Asylum Schizo Maduro Cigar is a great option! Place your order today and add this to your humidor and you can expect to have a satisfying smoking experience. If you like it, please don't forget to leave us a cigar review and let other cigar lovers know what you like about the Asylum Schizo Cigar!