Anniversaries are supposed to be special, and what better way for Asylum Cigars to celebrate these milestones than with a limited-edition vitola? Allow me to introduce the Asylum Nine 11/18 cigar—the second 11/18 cigar release from Asylum Cigars. Though the name is a mouthful, the cigar itself does not follow the large ring gauge cigar model that Asylum has perfected over the last decade. Instead, this cigar blazes its own trail, being rolled into a perfecto-esque shape that separates these unofficial anniversary cigars from the rest of the Asylum portfolio.
The 11/18 vitola for this cigar is a favorite of Christian Eiroa, master blender and co-owner of Asylum Cigars, and harkens back to the days when the Eiroa family owned the Camacho cigar brand.
For an extra bit of class, these limited-edition beauties are packaged in singular coffin boxes and placed in 20-count keepsake boxes. The Asylum Nine 11/18 cigars are comprised of the same blend of perfectly aged Honduran tobaccos for all three annual releases—trust us, it’s delicious!