Riding on the coattails of the original Asylum Insidious cigar—a blend aimed at cigar beginners—Asylum later followed the fan-favorite release with a darker, more sinister smoking experience.
Introducing the Asylum Insidious Maduro, a blend that is just as sneaky and stealth-like as the original, only leaning towards decadent, dessert-like nuances. As with all Insidious cigars, the Insidious Maduro is rolled in Honduras and features a sweetened cap. This allows for the raw, natural tobaccos to show their complexity, while adding a clean and refreshing sweetness on the lips between each puff.
Asylum Insidious Maduro uses primarily the same filler blend as the original (Honduras binder and filler), but the light wrapper has been replaced with a dark Mexican San Andrés maduro leaf. This subtle change is all that’s needed to give a familiar, yet exciting twist. The cigars are medium to medium-plus in body, showing easily approachable flavors of cocoa, light cabinet spices, a touch of earth, roasted nuts, and rich coffee beans.