Previously recognized as Chasing The Dragon: Midnight Oil, the Asylum 867 Midnight Oil cigar stands as a distinguished member of Asylum Cigars' 867 collection, which features three unique blends.
This trio from Asylum 867 (encompassing Midnight Oil, Auntie, and Zero) captivates with their striking and dynamic appearances, standing out within Asylum's fan-favorite cigar lineup. Such vibrant packaging hints at the extraordinary smoking experience they promise, achieved through Asylum's innovative flavor steeping technique (bet you haven't heard of tobacco steeping!) at the CLE Cigar Factory in Honduras. Asylum has described this steeping method as "aromatic flavors using exotic tobaccos," which is a novel approach to tobacco flavor infusion.
What does the Asylum 867 Midnight Oil cigar taste like?
The Asylum 867 Midnight Oil cigar offers something new for the flavor-craved enthusiast. Crafted exclusively with Honduran tobaccos for the wrapper, binder, and filler, and crowned with a delicately sweetened cap, the cigar delivers a medium-bodied experience, with standout notes of pepper, stone fruit, aromatic florals, and fruit-infused tea.