Formerly known as Chasing The Dragon: Auntie, the Asylum 867 Auntie cigar is one of three blends in the 867 line from Asylum Cigars.
Each of the three Asylum 867 offerings (Auntie, Midnight Oil, and Zero) showcase bright and vivid visuals, being quick to stand out in the humidor. This alludes to an attention-grabbing smoking experience to match, as the 867 cigars make use of a unique flavor steeping method at the CLE Cigar Factory in Honduras. Providing their own spin on tobacco flavor/infusion, Asylum describes the process as “aromatic flavors via exotic tobaccos.”
What does the Asylum 867 Auntie cigar taste like?
With no official guidance from Asylum as to the flavors that go into the Asylum 867 Auntie cigar's creation, the company is leaving the interpretation to the eyes of the beholder. The cigars make use of all-Honduran tobaccos from wrapper to binder to filler, being topped with a sweetened cap. This amounts to a medium-bodied experience, offering a truly unique flavor journey that keeps you engaged from start to finish.