Meet the embodiment of the unorthodox, the disrupters, the upsetters, the avant-garde within the world of Premium Cigars: Asylum Cigars.
With an undoubtedly edgy name Asylum Cigars has succeeded in creating their own identity while the Premium Cigar industry has struggled to adapt to the increasingly contemporary consumer base. Their marketing follows suit as Asylum has pushed the boundaries of traditional cigar smoking experiences time and time again with their gothic feel, bold Nicaraguan tobaccos, and innovative sizes.
Co-Founders Tom Lazuka and Kevin Baxter along with industry veteran Christian Eiroa built a modern, power-house brand that the average “Joe 6-Pack” cigar smoker can easily identify with. Launching in 2012 under the newly-formed C.L.E. Cigar Company umbrella, Asylum offered three Premium Cigar lines that focused on the surging popularity of Nicaraguan cigars – differeing from the renowned Eiroa family’s traditional use on Honduran tobaccos.
While the heavy hitting Nicaraguan profiles kept fans coming back, it was the shocking sizes that caught smoker’s attentions. Large ring gauge cigars were already surging, but when Asylum 13 Cigars hit the shelves in 6x60, 7x70, and even 8x80 vitolas… let’s just say the rules of cigar making were forever changed.
Today’s Asylum 13 line features six different blends and a whopping seven (!!) different sizes. Profiles vary from the mild-medium body you can expect from the Asylum 13 Connecticut, to a full bodied offering in the Asylum 13 Corojo. Whoever said a $7 cigar couldn’t provide a three hour smoke of thrilling favor needs to be put in an asylum, or try an Asylum 13 Premium Cigar at the minimum!