The Asylum 12 11/18 cigar is the latest limited-edition release celebrating Asylum’s twelfth anniversary, continuing the brand’s tradition of crafting bold, distinctive cigars. This 6" x 48/54/48 cigar, with its unique and shapely size, showcases the craftsmanship that Asylum is known for. While much of the blend remains undisclosed, the binder and filler include tobaccos grown on CLE farms in an unnamed South American country, adding an element of intrigue to this anniversary release. Made in Honduras, the Asylum 12 11/18 cigar is designed to appeal to both long-time fans of the brand and new aficionados seeking a complex, celebratory smoke.
What does the Asylum 12 12/18 cigar taste like?
The Asylum 12 11/18 cigar delivers a bold, medium to full-bodied profile with complex flavors that evolve as you smoke. Expect rich earthy notes, a touch of spice, and a smooth, consistent draw that highlights the quality of the blend. The unique size enhances the smoking experience, providing depth and variety throughout each smoking session. For fans of Asylum or those curious about the brand, this anniversary release is a fitting tribute to 12 years of innovative cigar craftsmanship.