In 2014, Ashton debuted the Ashton Symmetry as its first official new release in roughly 10 years. For a company that has worked to become one of the most trustworthy names in the world of premium cigars, Ashton does not approach the process of adding to its time-honored portfolio lightly. It then goes without surprise that the Ashton Symmetry debuted to much fanfare.
The cigars are produced in the Dominican Republic by the legendary Fuente family of cigar artisans. But differing from the Fuente's usual style, the Symmetry makes use of Nicaraguan tobaccos, which are expertly balanced against a core of Dominican leaves in the cigar's filler recipe. This was the inspiration for the cigar's name, showcasing tremendous harmony of the fiery qualities of Nicaraguan leaf and the softer, more floral tones of the Dominican tobaccos. The cigar is rounded out with a Dominican binder and a red-hued Ecuadorian Habano wrapper.
Aside from its stunning looks, smokers can expect to find a medium to medium-plus body, showing tremendous balance and deeply satisfying flavors of oak, cabinet spices, toasted bread, chocolate, and heavy whipping cream throughout the finish.