The popularity of Ashton Small Cigars now extends to the Connecticut variety, offering the smooth and easy-going smoking characteristics that have made this cigar style the most popular in the U.S. for decades on end.
As with the traditional Ashton Small Cigars, the light-hued Ashton Small Cigars Connecticut cigars are crafted in the European Union, offering the dependability of Ashton in short and convenient formats. Indeed, each cigar in the lineup operates in the cigarillo realm of cigar formats, sized between three and four inches, with ring gauges of 20 to 40 points. Ashton Small Cigars Connecticut boasts Dominican fillers, a Cameroon binder, and a silky-smooth Connecticut Shade wrapper.
What do the Ashton Small Cigars Connecticut cigars taste like?
Ashton Small Cigars Connecticut cigars are short and thoroughly enjoyable, showcasing a mild intensity and soothing flavors of clean cedar, barnyard hay, almond butter, and loads of cream through the finish.