Ashton cigars have long been synonymous with luxurious and celebratory smoking experiences, being made by legendary artisans such as Henke Kelner (of Davidoff fame), the Fuente family, and the Garcías (of My Father Cigars fame). But cigar hobbyists require more than the occasional luxury smoke. Fans of Ashton's high levels of quality, flavor, and dependability need an everyday smoke as well—something short, affordable, and tasty.
Ashton delivers on these requests with the Ashton Small Cigars. Unlike their larger brethren, Ashton Small Cigars are rolled in Europe, as many of the world's best-selling cigarillos are. These cigars range from three to four inches, with ring gauges of 20 to 40. This makes for short and enjoyable smoking sessions—perfect for lunch breaks, road trips, cold mornings, and any other quick break life throws your way. Ashton Small Cigars boast an exotic Cameroon wrapper, secured over an all-Dominican interior.
What do the Ashton Small Cigars cigar taste like?
Ashton Small Cigars smoke in the mild to medium range in terms of body and intensity. This brings out creamy and flavorful attributes of oak, cabinet spices, roasted nuts, and touches of cocoa.