Ashton Heritage Puro Sol shares many familiar attributes with Ashton's core collection of premium cigars. For starters, the cigars are manufactured by the world-renowned Fuente family at their venerable Tabacalera A. Fuente y Cia factory in the Dominican Republic. Additionally, the cigars benefit from a core recipe of the Fuente's famed Dominican-grown tobaccos. But where previous Ashton cigars focus on covering the full gamut of strength profiles (mild, medium, full), the Ashton Heritage Puro Sol caters more towards depth and refinement of flavor for the discerning palate.
Puro Sol translates to mean pure sun, which is a nod at the cigar's rich selection of sun-grown tobaccos. Finished with an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, this beauty offers up a medium smoking experience, backed by sweet and spicy nuances throughout. Expect to find classic flavors of sweet nuts and cedar, joined by complexities of nougat, toffee, and touches of cinnamon.