The eponymously titled Ashton cigar is the OG, the scarface, the Frank Sinatra within Ashton's acclaimed portfolio of premium cigars. The blend was the first creation from Ashton, debuting in the mid-'80s as the brainchild of company founder, Robert Levin. Noticing the overwhelming trend of mild cigars at the time, his goal was to create a similarly nuanced experience, but with increased flavor output and slightly more body.
Today, the Ashton cigar is hand rolled in the Dominican Republic by the world-renowned Fuente family of cigar artisans. Each Ashton cigar boasts select Dominican tobaccos throughout the binder and filler, aged for three to four years prior to being rolled. The blend is then finished with a Connecticut Shade wrapper, allowing for the brand's signature luxurious profile and dependable construction.
Q: What does the Ashton cigar taste like?
A: The Ashton cigar is soft and nuanced, yet refreshing on the palate. This includes mild-medium-bodied flavors of clean cedar, barnyard hay, buttered nuts, and vanilla cream through the finish.