The Cuban Corona cigar by Arturo Fuente is a medium-strength premium cigar with a dark and oily Maduro wrapper. While the cigar is actually from the Dominican Republic, and not Cuba, it has the taste and heritage of a traditional Cuban cigar. The dark brown color of the Maduro wrapper adds to the overall aesthetic beauty of the cigar, especially when accented with the gold and red Arturo Fuente logo on the cigar band. This stunning cigar has a Corona shape, making it a perfect quick smoke during breaks, or after a meal with friends.
This cigar offers satisfying flavors of wood, earth, and tobacco with notes of spice and pepper. As you continue to smoke it, you will notice the excellent construction of this cigar that contributes to its overall consistency of the burn. This cigar is medium-bodied - not too intense, yet you can get the perfect punch you're looking for from the delicious flavors in the premium Dominican Republic tobacco. The simple, mellow taste also makes this the perfect cigar to introduce to friends who are new in the cigar world.
The Cuban Corona cigar by Arturo Fuente comes in a wooden box of 25 cigars - just the right amount for you to savor the taste over time, sharing some and storing some in your humidor for later. You will see the red, green, and black Arturo Fuente logo on the top of the lid and the "Cuban Corona" label on the side of the box.
.. Our busy lifestyles don't always allow us to smoke, but Arturo Fuente made it possible with just the right shape, size, and flavor of cigars, to take a break from our hectic schedules. This Cuban Corona is definitely worth adding to your collection, and once you have it, we think you just might add it to your regular rotation! So order now and don't miss your chance to have the perfect everyday cigar for you and your friends. As you enjoy your Cuban Corona, please remember us! Other cigar lovers would like to know about your experience with this great Arturo Fuente cigar, so please come back and leave a cigar review!