The Churchill Natural cigar by Arturo Fuente is a rustic-looking, medium-strength Churchill. It has an African Cameroon wrapper, which adds sweetness to the cigar's overall essence. This handmade cigar is full of great flavors - It starts with spice, fruit, and floral flavors and it gets sweeter with additional woody notes as you continue to smoke. This cigar is full of tasty and rich flavors, yet it is not too strong or overpowering, so it is perfect for nearly any cigar lover!
Arturo Fuente is known for its well-constructed, high-quality, beautiful cigars, and this one hits all the marks! You will never be disappointed by an AF cigar. It has a sophisticated natural brown appearance with the red and gold Arturo Fuente logo on its cigar band. The Churchill shape of this cigar makes it just the perfect size for you to fully enjoy your smoke while on a relaxing break.
This is a must-try cigar that will sweep you off your feet! The Churchill Natural comes in an elegant white box of 25 cigars. You will see the 'Churchill' designation on the side and the Arturo Fuente logo on the box's lid. Hurry and order yours now and take advantage of our discount prices! We appreciate your feedback, and the other cigar lovers out there do too! We would all appreciate reading about your thoughts and experiences with this fantastic cigar in a cigar review!