In 2022, El Artista rebranded itself as Artista Cigars. Leading the charge were a pair of self-titled cigars: Artista Harvest and Artista Midnight. The cigars feature the company's updated logo front and center, providing a modern experience from one of the DR's most experienced manufacturers.
The lighter of the two Artista cigars is the Artista Harvest, being packaged in gold and white. The Artista Harvest cigar features an Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper, an Ecuadorian Habano binder, and proprietary fillers from the Dominican Republic.
What does the Artista Harvest cigar taste like?
The Artista Harvest cigar is medium in intensity, offering a balanced smoking experience for the serious hobbyist. The cigars are beautifully box-pressed, allowing the unique, proprietary Dominican tobaccos to meld to perfection. Cigar enthusiasts can expect a dense smoke texture, balancing nicely on the palate with flavors of toasted wood, nutmeg, and sweet brown sugar.