In the wake of Alec Bradley's groundbreaking Tempus cigar—a powerful blend based on Honduran-grown tobaccos—the company has followed up with another Central American powerhouse, moving further south with Alec Bradley Tempus Nicaragua.
As with the original Tempus cigar, AB Tempus Nicaragua is medium to full in body. But where the Tempus Natural focused on Honduran leaves, the Tampus Nicaragua is 100% Nicaraguan! Taking advantage of the country's volcanic soil, Tempus Nicaragua is naturally rich and fiery. The blend begins with a Jalapa-grown wrapper (Nicaragua's sweetest growing region); this is followed with a Nicaraguan double binder (a similar strategy from the original Tempus) and fillers of Nicaragua's three major growing regions (Estelí, Condega, and Jalapa).
The finished product is balanced, showing rich and spicy characteristics, tamed with just the right amount of sweetness. Expect Nuances of earth, pepper, aromatic cabinet spices, cocoa, and roasted malt.