Alec Bradley took the premium cigar world by storm in 2019 with the unexpected release of a value-priced cigar known as Alec Bradley Project 40. This cigar was described as being the first release under a new collection dubbed "Experimental Series," where the company could show off new factory partners, tobaccos, and blending styles. As such, Alec Bradley Project 40 was rolled out of the J. Fuego Cigar Co. de Nicaragua factory, showcasing an undeniably flavorful experience that skyrocketed the brand to become one of the most buzzed-about cigars of the year.
It was only a matter of time before a proper sequel would make its way to consumers, arriving in 2020 as the Alec Bradley Project 40 Maduro cigar. Alec Bradley worked with Jesus Fuego once more, setting out to deliver an equally flavorful and approachable smoking profile, yet in a darker maduro-wrapped variety. This included the use of all-Nicaraguan tobaccos throughout the filler, a Brazilian Habano binder, and a dark San Andrés maduro cover leaf as the finishing touch.
Q: What does the Alec Bradley Project 40 Maduro cigar taste like?
A: The Alec Bradley Project 40 Maduro cigar is dialed down in strength and body, allowing flavor to play the starring role. Cigar enthusiasts praise this blend for standout flavor components of sweet earth, chocolate cookies, gingerbread, and roasted nuts.
Q: Where are Alec Bradley Cigars made?
A: Alec Bradley cigars are primarily rolled at the extraordinary Raices Cubanas factory in Danli, Honduras. While most are rolled in Honduras, Alec Bradley Cigars uses premium tobacco not just from Honduras but also Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, and more.
Q: Are Alec Bradley Cigars good?
A: Alec Bradley premium cigars are known for their quality, flavor, and their affordable pricing. Their cigars have ranked Cigar Aficionado’s Top 25 Cigars of the Year multiple times and have earned a loyal fanbase among veteran cigar connoisseurs and bargain buyers.