The Alec Bradley Connecticut Torpedo cigar is a 52 x 6 1/8 sized mild to medium strength, premium cigar. This cigar has a unique, pyramid appearance and shape that delivers more concentrated flavors to the smoker's palate.
This stunning cigar has a premium look, with a naturally brown colored wrapper and an Alec Bradley red-gold-white logo on the cigar band. One of its selling points is its super smooth and mellow essence, with many flavors for such a mild stick, including notes of pepper, cedar, and nuts. This cigar breathes well and builds as you smoke it - and is perfect as an everyday cigar.
The Alec Bradley Connecticut Toro comes in a beautiful white box with the Alec Bradley logo on top - a gold, white, and red emblem with the AB initials and a crown. This mild cigar is a favorite of many for its mellow and creamy flavors. This is perfect for the days when you want to just relax and not do anything, but it can also be a nice ending to a long busy day. It is also a great option for introducing friends to cigars since this option is not too strong. Don't miss this excellent and affordable premium cigar - Buy some now to experience this great Alec Bradley Toro. W hope you like it, and if you do, please don't forget to leave a cigar review and let everyone else know about your experience and impression of this cigar.