Despite making a name for themselves by offering fuller-bodied, full-flavored smoking experiences following the cigar boom of the '90s, Alec Bradley proves their versatility with the Alec Bradley Connecticut cigar.
The Connecticut-wrapped cigar has long been the best-selling cigar style in America for decades, and for good reason. These conventionally mellow cigars are known for offering a soft and smooth smoking texture, backed by nuanced complexity and an overall refreshing demeanor. When providing their unique spin on a Connecticut Shade experience, Alec Bradley turned to the famed Raíces Cubanas factory in Honduras, utilizing an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper, Honduran binder, and fillers of Nicaragua and Hondurans.
What does Alec Bradley Connecticut cigar taste like?
The Alec Bradley Connecticut cigar is mild-medium in body, boasting bright and lively flavors that stand out within the range of Connecticut smoking experiences. This includes nimble complexities of fresh-cut cedar, citrus, barnyard hay, white pepper, and buttered toast.