Alec Bradley Cigar Company was founded by Alan Rubin in 1996, during the heat of the era's great cigar boom. Named after his sons, Alec and Bradley Rubin, Alec Bradley cigars were first crafted in the Dominican Republic as mild smoking experiences geared for golfers. But the company evolved, branching out to include production at multiple factories throughout Honduras and Nicaragua.
The new direction was led by the Alec Bradley Tempus release in 2007, offering the fullest-bodied smoking experience from AB to date and leading to Alec Bradley becoming a household name for cigar enthusiasts. In 2011, Alec Bradley reached the pinnacle of the premium cigar industry, with the Alec Bradley Prensado receiving a 96-point rating and the No. 1 Cigar of the Year award from Cigar Aficionado.
Today, Alec Bradley is known for offering a wide range of smoking profiles, largely occupying affordable price points for the everyman. While Alec Bradley cigars can be found from mild to full in intensity, the majority of AB cigars hover around medium-plus, typically showcasing the fiery, full-flavored tendencies of Central American tobacco. Alec Bradley's goal has long been to offer an unforgettable experience—a feat that countless cigar hobbyists can attest to.
The Alec Bradley Black Market Esteli Torpedo earned Cigar Aficionado’s No. 9 ranking in the Top 25 Cigars of 2018