Premium cigars are commonly named after family patriarchs, rustic villages of Cuba, and timeless works of literature. And then there's the Alcazar cigar, which is named after a horse... Sure, it may not be as glamorous, but there's just no denying a sense of charm with this workhorse of a smoke!
The Alcazar cigar originally came about in 1998, capitalizing on the growing demand for Nicaraguan tobacco. And the modern incarnation—Alcazar Maduro—continues this focus, incorporating long-leaf Nicaraguan binder/fillers with a dark and gritty Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper.
Q: What does the Alcazar Maduro cigar taste like?
A: The Alcazar Maduro cigar is medium-bodied and undeniably flavorful, being packaged in affordable bundles so as to direct all resources toward a premium tobacco recipe. This thoroughbred jumps out the gate with balanced and easily approachable flavors of milk chocolate, earth, molasses bread, and punchy mocha sweetness.