After a humble debut under CLE Cigar Co.'s distribution in 2015, JRE Tobacco Co. has since taken over every aspect of the business, steadily rising to become one of the most respected cigar brands for those in the know. JRE's frontline offering is the Aladino, which has expanded to include a wide variety of profiles and tobacco blends, including fan favorites such as the original Aladino cigar, the Aladino Cameroon, and the Aladino Corojo Reserva, among others.
The latest addition to the collection is the Aladino Classic cigar. This medium-bodied Honduran offers a new side of the Eiroa family's famed tobaccos of Honduras, using primarily Habano leaves throughout the blend (in place of their signature Corojo that dominates most Aladino cigars). This includes a Honduran Habano wrapper, a Honduran Corojo binder, and all-Honduran Habano fillers, harvested from the Eiroas' renowned farms of Honduras.
Aladino Classic Robusto achieved the #13 spot in Cigar Snob’s Top 25 The Best Cigars of 2022.
What does the JRE Aladino Classic cigar taste like?
True to its name, the Aladino Classic cigar transports the cigar hobbyist to a bygone era, offering a zesty yet balanced experience that newcomers and aficionados alike will gravitate towards. Expect a medium body and classic flavors of toasted bread, cedar, medium-roast coffee, and touches of cinnamon.