The Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua Maestro cigar was the Cigar Aficionado No. 1 Cigar of the Year for 2019, and this cigar itself was scored 96/100 by the expert cigar tasters. The Maestro is sized at 6" x 52, offering cigar enthusiasts a gorgeous box-pressed torpedo format. This shape of this cigar gives the smoker greater control over the cigar's cut and draw, a more concentrated smoke onto the palate, and a cool smoking temperature from start to finish. The flavors in this cigar are full in intensity, delivering heaps of dark chocolate, sun-dried wood, sweet caramel, and roasted nuts.
When you look at this cigar, you can just tell it is special. The Nicaraguan tobacco gives it the signature taste that Aging Room Quattro is known for, and Habano wrapper gives it an air of wisdom and authority. The strength and flavor of this award winning cigar are just remarkable. It comes in a box of 10 toro cigars, all with the signature red and black cigar band.
It is not 2019 anymore, but we still think that this cigar is one of the best! If you like it, please leave us a cigar review and let us know what you think. Does it live up to its great reputation? Cigar reviews help us know what to buy and keep in stock, and help other cigar lovers know what to buy - so let us know what you think!