After picking up steam at the beginning of the twenty-teens decade, the Aging Room brand (then owned by Boutique Blends and managed by Rafael Nodal) saw its first critical success, earning Cigar Aficionado's designation as the No. 2 Cigar of the Year for 2013 with the Aging Room Quattro F55 cigar (aka the No. 1 Non-Cuban Cigar of the Year). This accolade quickly boosted Aging Room to become one of the most sought-after brands in the premium cigar market, leading to the company being acquired by Altadis USA (and Rafael Nodal taking the role of Head of Product Capability at Altadis) not long after.
Since this time, Nodal has overhauled the Aging Room lineup, rebranding the Quattro collection with a more clean and understandable presence in the humidor. This included the addition of the series' first cigar made outside of the Dominican Republic, partnering with famed cigarmaker A.J. Fernández on a Nicaraguan puro known as Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua. Indeed, Nodal brought the vision and Fernández gave it life, showcasing select Nicaraguan tobaccos throughout the cigar's wrapper, binder, and filler components. This makes for a fiery, full-bodied smoke with nuanced flavors to back it; highlights include rich flavors of dark chocolate, charred oak, burnt caramel, red pepper, earth, and a dark stone fruit sweetness through the finish.
Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua followed in its predecessor's footsteps, being named Cigar Aficionado's No. 1 Cigar of the Year for 2019.