The Aging Room Bin No. 2 cigar is the anticipated followup to Boutique Blends' original Aging Room Bin No. 1 cigar. But while the original blend took its name from the actual factory bin where the tobaccos where aged, the Aging Room Bin No. 2 cigar focuses more on the regions where the leaves stem.
Yes, the Aging Room Bin No. 2 cigar sees a dramatic departure from the Dominican roots of the original, packing its bags and heading to the untamed island of Ometepe, Nicaragua. This island was formed from two volcanoes within Lake Nicaragua, and is now home to some of the country's most unique tobacco. As the Plasencia family are considered the foremost experts of Ometepe tobacco, Aging Room's Rafael Nodal was eager to partner with the family on the Aging Room Bin No. 2 cigar.
Bringing the blend to life, Rafael selected all-nicaraguan tobaccos, including Ometepe throughout the binder and filler. Additionally, leaves of Estelí and Jalapa were used to add complexity within the filler.
What does the Aging Room Bin No. 2 cigar taste like?
Medium to medium-plus in body, the Aging Room Bin No. 2 cigar is a quintessential Nicaraguan experience, showing earthy characteristics of mineral, cocoa, black pepper, and touches of stone fruit through the finish.