Aganorsa Leaf Maduro comes by way of the Fernández family and their world-renowned AGANORSA tobacco-growing operation throughout Nicaragua (one of the two largest growers of premium Nicaraguan tobacco in existence).
Formerly known as Casa Fernandez, Aganorsa Leaf benefits from complete vertical integration, handling every step of each cigar's journey, from seed to ash! And while the bulk of Aganorsa's cigars are rolled at their self-titled factory in Nicaragua, a select few are made in a more boutique manner at the company's small factory in Miami, where only a handful of highly skilled torcedores handle production in extremely small batches.
Such is the case with the Aganorsa Leaf Maduro. This is a medium-full smoke that is best appreciated by the seasoned enthusiast. The cigar makes use of Aganorsa's highly praised Nicaraguan tobacco throughout the binder and filler, being topped with a dark and luscious Mexican San Andrés maduro wrapper. This makes for a weighty smoking texture, rife with complexities of earth, black pepper, chocolate graham crackers, roasted nuts, and dark, cinnamon-doused toasted oats.