Beginning with the limited-edition Bohème No. 35 cigar in 2013, Aganorsa Leaf began showcasing fine-tuned cigar blends out of their boutique Miami-based factory on a near-annual basis. The series has since become a staple for many cigar enthusiasts, known for offering a rich character and top-notch craftsmanship.
With a growing demand, Aganorsa has since streamlined the series; instead of releasing a new size/blend each year, the company now rolls a consistent blend (offered in both Corojo and Maduro) in a larger selection of sizes on an ongoing (albeit small-batch) basis. The Aganorsa Leaf Aniversario Corojo cigar makes use of Aganorsa's signature Nicaraguan Corojo '99 leaf as its wrapper, being joined by an all-Nicaraguan binder/filler.
What does the Aganorsa Leaf Aniversario Corojo Gran Toro cigar taste like?
One of four sizes in the streamlined lineup, the Aganorsa Leaf Aniversario Corojo Gran Toro cigar weighs in at a box-pressed 6" x 58, being the largest in the collection. This is a near-full experience that burns for close to two hours with classic flavors of sweet earth, black pepper, graham cracker, and touches of nutmeg—an expertly crafted cigar for the seasoned enthusiast.