The ACID Continental cigar by Drew Estate was introduced at the 2021 Rocky Mountain Cigar Festival in Boulder, CO. This exclusive blend is now available only through Smoker Friendly outlets and Payless Cigars, bringing the unconventional rhythms and flavors of ACID cigars in spades!
With the Continental cigar, Drew Estate utilizes a zesty Indonesian wrapper over all-Nicaraguan binder/fillers. The cigars are crafted at DE's famed La Gran Fabrica factory in Estelí, Nicaragua, being sweetened at the cap and rolled in a singular 5½" x 52 format.
What does the ACID Continental cigar taste like?
Like all ACID cigars, this is an experience that truly needs to be experienced first hand and deciphered by each individual palate. However, the overall vibe of this beauty is medium in body and lush with bright and vibrant flavors of herbal tea, citrus, rock candy, and floral honey.