In commemoration of the ACID cigar brand's milestone 20th anniversary in 2019, Drew Estate unveiled the ACID 20, a seriously flavorful yet surprisingly complex cigar, with a smoking experience that was designed to take the premium cigar brand into the next 20-plus years.
ACID 20 capitalizes on the wildly successful ACID Kuba Kuba blend, offering a similar smoking experience with a twist. For starters, ACID 20 is built using the most premium tobaccos ever showcased in an ACID cigar. This includes a Mexican San Andrés Maduro wrapper, an Indonesian binder, and all-Nicaraguan fillers. The tobacco blend is then hand-rolled, only in its most ideal format—a box-pressed 5" x 52 Robusto. This size and shape of cigar allow smokers the best possible delivery system for this specially infused and flavorful recipe.
ACID 20 has the unique ability to appeal to both traditional and non-traditional cigar smokers alike, bringing a cool smoking temperature and medium-plus-bodied characteristics of the earth, sugarcane, sweet molasses, oolong tea, and a bright and citrusy flavor infusion that is best left to the imagination of each smoker's unique experience. Order cigars, apparel, and cigar accessories to help Drew Estate celebrate, with the ACID 20 commemorative collection.