The 601 Green Label Oscuro cigar collection is a staple for Miami-based Espinosa Premium Cigars. Debuting in 2007, the 601 Green Label Oscuro is among the original cigars in the series, managing to maintain a high level of prominence in humidors across the country to this day.
As the name indicates, 601 Green Label Oscuro is the darkest 601 cigar, boasting a sinister, ebony shade of Nicaraguan Habano Oscuro wrapper. This eye-catching leaf is complimented by all-Nicaraguan tobacco leaves throughout the binder and filler. And while 601 cigars were once rolled at Espinosa's own La Zona factory in Estelí, production has been moved to A.J. Fernández's boutique-minded San Lotano factory, located in the remote region of Ocotal, Nicaragua. This transition allows for a greater focus and larger production for 601 cigars; in addition, the cigars now include Nicaraguan tobacco filler leaves from A.J.'s highly sought-after inventory of tobaccos. So while the cigar blend remains the same, the cigars now benefit from the added age of A.J.'s Nicaraguan reserve. This translates to deeper flavors, added complexity, and a longer finish, including high-octane flavors of espresso, black pepper, leather, dark chocolate, and sweet Cuban-style coffee (aka Café Cubano) flavoris in this cigar.