While the fuller-bodied Connecticut has only recently caught mainstream appeal, Espinosa Premium Cigars was among the first to embrace the style, releasing the 601 Black Label Connecticut in the mid-2000s. The cigar was later retired, but a growing demand for the cigar's return prompted a limited re-release during the company's 2020 La Zona Palooza event.
This was like blood in the water for the cigar-hungry <em>sharks</em> in the craft scene, demanding MORE 601 Black Label. The cigars have now returned in limited fashion after more than a 10-year hiatus, being offered on an ongoing, limited basis.
The 601 Black Label Connecticut cigar is crafted out of the boutique-minded La Zona factory in Estelí, Nicaragua, boasting an all-Nicaraguan core blend and being topped with an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper. Differing from the 601 White Label (which is also a Connecticut over Nicaragua leaves), the 601 Black Label Connecticut is fuller in intensity—made for those that like to crank life up to eleven!
What does the 601 Black Label Connecticut cigar taste like?
Espinosa's 601 Black Label Connecticut cigar is like drinking a black 'n tan in reverse: smooth on top and sinister beneath. The cigar is medium-full in body, opening up with flavors of cedar, malt, white pepper, barnyard hay, and black tea.