What an outstanding year 2019 was for the world of Premium Cigars and the top cigars of the year show that. Standouts such as Joya de Nicaragua Antano CT Robusto, Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua Maestro, and Joya de Nicaragua Numero Uno L’Ambassadeur taking the number one spots for Halfwheel, Cigar Aficionado, and Cigar Dojo, respectively. But its not just the #1 cigars you should be trying, further down the rankings you can find Alec Bradley Project 40 (No. 3 on Cigar-Coop), Rocky Patel A.L.R. Second Edition (No. 5 on Cigar Afficionado), and Alec & Bradley Gatekeeper (No. 7 Cigar Aficionado in 2020, No. 7 Cigar Dojo 2019). All these cigars and more marked an incredible year for the Premium Cigar industry and you should be sure to try them!
Q: What is the 2019 Cigar of the Year?
A: Cigar Dojo picked Joya de Nicaragua Numero Uno, Cigar Aficionado chose Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua Maestro, and Halfwheel picked the Joya de Nicaragua Antano Connecticut.
Q: What the difference between the cigar rankings?
A: Each publication uses a different process as well as criteria for their ranking of the top cigars of each year. While Cigar Aficionado, Halfwheel, and Cigar-Coop all pick individual cigars, Cigar Dojo picks what specific line they deem to be the best of the year.
Q: There are too many rankings, what is the TRUE Top Cigar of the Year?
A: There is no one true Cigar of the Year, each premium cigar publication, expert, enthusiast, and every day smoker will most likely have a different favorite from that year. But we take the word of some of these experts and publications and showcase what they believe to be the Top 10, 25, or 30.