The Premium Cigar industry has been on a roll in recent years, and 2018 was no different. Here you can find the Top Cigars of the Year for 2018, and boy there are some terrific candidates in this bunch. With standouts like Aladino Corojo Reserva (No. 1 Cigar-Coop, No. 6 Cigar Dojo), E.P. Carrillo Encore Majestic (No. 1 Cigar Aficionado), and The Tabernacle Havana Seed CT #142 (No. 1 Cigar Dojo) all claiming some of the Number 1 spots available. Additionally, it was a great year for Caldwell Cigar Company as The T Connecticut and Caldwell Eastern Standard Sungrown took the number 5 and 6 spots on Cigar Dojo, respectively. The excellent cigars do not stop there – our favorites from this list included Joya Silver, My Father La Gran Oferta, and Bellas Artes Maduro. Get the 2018 Cigars of the Year and see how incredible they are for yourself!
Q: What is the 2018 Cigar of the Year?
A: In 2018 Cigar Aficionado awarded Cigar of the Year to the E.P. Carrillo Encore Majestic, #1 Cigar of the Year from Cigar Dojo was The Tabernacle Havana Seed CT #142, while Cigar-Coop dubbed the Aladino Corojo Reserva its #1 Cigar of the Year.
Q: How does a cigar rank in the Top Cigars of the Years in different years?
A: This is a more common occurrence than you may think. While Cigar Dojo only considers the top new releases from those respective years, others, like Cigar-Coop, rank what they deem to be the best from what they smoked that year. An example of this is the Oliva Serie V Melanio Churchill which earned the No. 1 Spot in Cigar Aficionado’s Top 25 of 2013, and then the No. 8 spot in BOTH 2018 and 2020. Showcasing how truly incredible that cigar is.
Q: How does Cigar Aficionado pick their Top 25 Cigars of the Year?
A: Cigar Aficionado’s Top 25 Cigars of the Year ranking is determined by a 4-step process. First, they gather their highest rated cigars from the past year, they blind taste and rate them, they re-smoke the top-scoring cigars through multiple rounds and create their Top 25 Cigars list!